BOSS FIGHTERS/Alpha Fighter Uncommon

Alpha Fighter Uncommon


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Cool and unique, this skin lets your fighter stand out. Show off your style!


Price history chart
333GreyPoisonNo GlassesFace ANoneBare HandsGreen DyeHightailKiltLet's rock!CommonBionic JawNo TrinketMaleFur CoatUnknownALPHA FIGHTER FLEX BONUS: Uncommon
308Dark GreyRed WineNo GlassesFace CGaribaldi BeardSplendid RingsGreen DyeRainbowKiltWhat's Up?CommonNo TattoeNo TrinketMaleFancy BlazerUnknown
241GreyPink CrushNo GlassesFace AOrange SlicesSports GlovesGreen DyeRainbowLeopard LeggingsWhat's Up?CommonNo TattoeNo TrinketFemaleRoyal TunicUnknownALPHA FIGHTER FLEX BONUS: Uncommon Finish the match
46Dark GreyPoisonNo GlassesFace BBristleBare HandsGreen DyeRainbowKiltSalute!CommonNo TattoeNo TrinketMaleFancy BlazerUnknownALPHA FIGHTER $BFT BONUS: Uncommon
218Dark GreyApricotNo GlassesFace BBristleSplendid RingsPink SmokeBini HatKiltWhat's Up?CommonNo TattoeNo TrinketMaleFancy BlazerUnknown
0 of 5 row(s) selected.

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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
96$59.99CannawayZION281/18/2025, 6:39:41 PM
34$73SoreDiarrheaTsunami12/25/2024, 1:18:00 PM
155$155KorviDuva11/4/2024, 3:23:01 PM
13$150neonMaxClutchOrCake11/2/2024, 4:56:53 AM
91$140asacih1701733Marflexc10/30/2024, 3:49:25 AM
130$99PeroxxiTsuna1210/12/2024, 2:33:47 PM
97$130desired0bodyTheAmorousHeartthrob9/27/2024, 6:41:30 PM
134$11019billybones88ElChe9/27/2024, 5:06:49 PM
4$90dreev192Xpeder9/14/2024, 12:09:43 PM
155$21ArtmoryKorvi6/16/2024, 12:43:42 PM

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