Read Book (Emote)
I could read books all day. But then, I'd have to deal with the existential crisis of realizing how many books I haven't read yet
Read Book (Emote)
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
1363 | $84 | AXGG | BIGTIME9899 | 12/5/2024, 2:54:24 PM |
1305 | $90 | machao1 | guild | 12/5/2024, 7:13:14 AM |
534 | $88 | liuzonyuan | jin1023 | 12/5/2024, 5:00:20 AM |
2039 | $85 | Vasali | jin1023 | 12/5/2024, 5:00:20 AM |
396 | $84.5 | SongoK | jin1023 | 12/5/2024, 5:00:20 AM |
998 | $84 | lllllllllll | jin1023 | 12/5/2024, 4:58:59 AM |
436 | $84.5 | MattHHH | jin1023 | 12/5/2024, 4:58:59 AM |
2027 | $80 | renxianqi | jin1023 | 12/5/2024, 4:58:59 AM |
359 | $85 | gujiu | WZQA111 | 12/3/2024, 8:20:54 AM |
1116 | $85 | NFTbilai | Affilia | 12/3/2024, 7:02:23 AM |