The Prairie Pirate (Title)
The Prairie Pirate rides the winds and roams the open plains with a nonchalance that terrifies, for that which lurks within the prairie grass is a source of limitless peril
The Prairie Pirate (Title)
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
147 | $1 | odesix | HarperYu | 1/23/2025, 2:59:34 AM |
2975 | $10.1 | Xiaoaxiou | Bizhengwei | 1/21/2025, 9:19:15 PM |
2176 | $1 | AvengersTheHuik | ak48 | 1/21/2025, 6:18:21 PM |
2418 | $3.32 | INV1CTUS | DasFierce | 1/21/2025, 7:16:25 AM |
509 | $2.85 | INV1CTUS | Kaputsama | 1/21/2025, 7:16:05 AM |
5261 | $3.79 | INV1CTUS | Daphnedesu | 1/21/2025, 7:15:26 AM |
2237 | $3.8 | INV1CTUS | Clunkoff | 1/21/2025, 7:10:42 AM |
1067 | $3.79 | INV1CTUS | VigorousRails | 1/21/2025, 7:10:22 AM |
3573 | $3.8 | INV1CTUS | DasWiry | 1/21/2025, 7:10:01 AM |
3743 | $3.8 | INV1CTUS | Glisteningstrom | 1/21/2025, 7:09:40 AM |