MARK-1 VIPER (Unique)
A unique special edition of the MARK-1 rifle that comes with a fixed combination of powerful weapon parts and a unique appearance (VIPER EDITION). The MARK-1 rifle is optimized for long-distance infantry battles. Fires heavy-hitting projectiles with the ease of use of an AR. Comes with a unique VIPER EDITION perk called Viper's Revenge and an additional random perk.
MARK-1 VIPER (Unique)
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
18 | $85 | KrazizenFAM | XyztherFAM | 12/6/2024, 6:16:53 AM |
51 | $84 | JustLife | SrMagno | 12/5/2024, 10:19:30 PM |
152 | $55 | Shorud | MGGYancy | 12/3/2024, 11:58:30 AM |
102 | $62.99 | Choukeiri | IBewater | 11/29/2024, 8:46:14 PM |
51 | $75 | Openloot01 | JustLife | 11/21/2024, 5:49:49 AM |
91 | $55 | Openloot01 | ARFAZ | 11/18/2024, 8:28:49 PM |
102 | $53 | Lusitanio | Choukeiri | 11/18/2024, 12:05:04 PM |
92 | $55 | Openloot01 | zSweet | 11/16/2024, 7:17:45 PM |
137 | $59 | Openloot01 | Fr33Fall | 11/13/2024, 6:10:04 PM |
104 | $34.9 | Weguit | Rolejo | 11/13/2024, 2:22:47 PM |