WorldShards/Robust Armors Artifact

Robust Armors Artifact


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These magical artifacts can be placed near the workbench to enhance the crafting process. When activated, they allow you to create collectible equipment and endow it with the power of a Mana Stone. Allows you to enchant items with raw magical energy suitable for common armors. \n   \n   \n Artifact Set 1 of 2. Set 2 will be made available at a later date.


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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
58975$18.6XAMEUZwxj2/7/2025, 11:52:06 PM
65135$18.6XAMEUZwxj2/7/2025, 11:52:06 PM
19687$18.6XAMEUZwxj2/7/2025, 11:52:06 PM
75960$19.49GenxFrFriedMather2/7/2025, 10:18:21 AM
27907$19.5CasanovaKLucasK2/7/2025, 7:28:37 AM
16124$19IITsukiwxj2/7/2025, 4:01:12 AM
48199$19nayarwxj2/7/2025, 4:01:12 AM
72618$19nayarwxj2/7/2025, 3:30:14 AM
97569$19IITsukiwxj2/7/2025, 3:30:14 AM
39916$18.8vamos0546wxj2/7/2025, 3:29:33 AM

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