WorldShards/Island of Prosperity

Island of Prosperity


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The perfect island for those who do not like to sit idly by. There's plenty of room to set up a large-scale manufacturing operation in order to become a successful artisan and trader. Not to mention the scenic views of the surrounding islands. You will grow to cherish the view when you have a moment to relax. \n   \n 🔷 Additional Island Capacity: +2000 \n 🔷 Workbench Artifact Slots: +1 \n 🔷 Grants Early Access to the game \n 🔷 Only 1 founder island can be used per account



Price history chart
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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
381$107DonBeJFrazel2/7/2025, 4:08:36 AM
483$106CadduIITsuki2/6/2025, 5:45:48 PM
3534$97LuckyStar888888888888bin1236932/6/2025, 12:19:44 PM
1156$96XAMEUZQueenVista2/6/2025, 11:50:32 AM
2653$96XAMEUZvodanh0012/6/2025, 5:39:55 AM
2657$90abhakim0xfuly412/6/2025, 1:22:43 AM
1291$91XAMEUZMourningowl2/5/2025, 4:12:07 PM
2135$89.5alperenturk01YUKE2/5/2025, 4:10:06 PM
621$89ETHXIAOFEIJiratitikal2/5/2025, 2:42:11 PM
300$85MiaaqGenxFr2/5/2025, 12:34:11 PM
Island of Prosperity
Island of Joy
Island of Happiness
Island of Merriment
Island of Delight

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