Large Island of Euphoria
A big but truly amazing island that embodies your dreams and manifests your desires. Spectacular views and abundant land with enough space to realize the most ambitious projects. An amazing place where the very air is saturated with the pristine and powerful magic from the ancient world. Each daily challenge seems easier here, the colors more vibrant, the food more delicious. The most suitable place across all of Murrlandia for the base of a true polymath. 🔷Additional Island Capacity: +6500 🔷Workbench Artifact Slots: +4
Large Island of Euphoria
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
164 | $2300 | Suburuba | zzssddw22222 | 1/15/2025, 4:26:26 PM |
639 | $2688 | cszl2024 | Damnculminate | 12/7/2024, 5:53:55 PM |
78 | $2750 | fanfanya | Amazon | 10/22/2024, 1:44:12 PM |
2573 | $2299 | KovoFALAO | monica123 | 10/10/2024, 7:21:55 AM |
1779 | $2588.88 | ZHANG52088 | yzlhccdec6 | 10/8/2024, 1:28:59 AM |
937 | $2500 | Leileiss | yzlhccdec1 | 10/8/2024, 1:27:58 AM |
391 | $2345 | DianaSensiSieuTham | aragar | 10/5/2024, 7:22:06 AM |