WorldShards/Medium Island of Tranquility

Medium Island of Tranquility


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A medium-sized island full of lush and fertile land overlooking a fantastic horizon. This is the jewel in the crown of Murrlandia, a paradise for those who want to combine adventure with moments of inner peace and tranquility. Ideal for those who want to build themselves a paradise in the sky. The land provides everything needed in order to create items of outstanding quality, as well as being a place to rest after a dangerous adventure before setting out more powerful than before. 🔷Additional Island Capacity: +5000 🔷Workbench Artifact Slots: +3



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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
4845$699gguoMarkTGIF1/23/2025, 2:19:37 PM
2559$644XAMEUZJuvixted21/17/2025, 7:01:06 AM
746$644HOANGNGUYENAWKCLTT1/17/2025, 4:56:27 AM
9921$777BigtimeEdGezzssddw222221/11/2025, 5:30:53 PM
3693$760YearSecretaryzzssddw222221/11/2025, 5:30:53 PM
4757$745KidGuinaTheNerdGuy1/4/2025, 9:09:16 PM
9535$745ChaoShen1TheNerdGuy1/4/2025, 9:08:56 PM
9157$700ManoheelsLaTiao0011/4/2025, 11:36:24 AM
6200$750NeymarNFTZz1230064161/3/2025, 5:05:00 PM
9067$784Juvixted2dingdingdang77771/3/2025, 9:44:26 AM
Large Island of Serenity
Large Island of Harmony
Large Island of Bliss
Large Island of Tranquility
Large Island of Euphoria
Medium Island of Serenity
Medium Island of Harmony
Medium Island of Bliss
Medium Island of Tranquility
Medium Island of Euphoria
Small Island of Serenity
Small Island of Harmony
Small Island of Bliss
Small Island of Tranquility
Small Island of Euphoria

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