WorldShards/"Overcoming" Painting

"Overcoming" Painting


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A fine example of a traditional painting depicting a fish traversing a turbulent current. A reminder that one must never stop fighting to win. \n   \n   \n Can be displayed in the player’s home and has the following characteristics: * 🔷 Comfort: + 800 * 🔷 Does not require capacity


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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
501$28.6lxxxxxxMULANLAN8881/28/2025, 4:37:35 PM
458$28lxxxxxxJponeme1/24/2025, 1:57:29 PM
261$27.8lxxxxxxzhaotinggang1/18/2025, 8:09:01 PM
2673$25chibikurolatiao0021/12/2025, 9:18:03 AM
3170$32NcxJD0131/6/2025, 5:13:22 PM
3830$33.08JD4VFNERkdE1/6/2025, 11:20:38 AM
2753$33.08JD4VFNERkdE1/6/2025, 11:20:38 AM
1832$39.95poti84RYT6612/25/2024, 4:58:41 PM
1977$39WudibibiRYT012/25/2024, 11:35:37 AM
2963$38Sheepbr3RYT012/25/2024, 11:34:16 AM

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