WorldShards/Crude Bookshelf

Crude Bookshelf


Floor Price


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A tall, wooden bookshelf made from fine wood, filled with various books. Its rustic design and ample space make it a perfect addition to any study or library. \n   \n   \n * 🔷 Comfort: + 100 * 🔷 Does not require capacity


Price history chart
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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
10655$1Ericsson26wohaoxue1/23/2025, 4:56:39 PM
1688$1Uniswaporglopesdc1/22/2025, 3:44:00 PM
7907$1Ustunaylocdev1/21/2025, 4:26:15 PM
10994$1SAOLLmakiuzo1/21/2025, 4:00:03 PM
11811$1maxiu19111578747411/21/2025, 3:18:45 PM
1389$1Ar2ri2Broli1/21/2025, 3:11:32 PM
804$1xiaobaizi555wrxcdb1/21/2025, 2:52:31 PM
4582$1Uniswaporgwenshiquan1/18/2025, 2:57:13 AM
7907$1sindysoUstunay1/17/2025, 11:31:59 PM
11740$1DiyaqonaLxkdrmrt341/15/2025, 6:26:31 PM

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