WorldShards/Small Potted Elderberry

Small Potted Elderberry


Floor Price


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A small elderberry plant carefully nurtured in a pot. Looks great in both an indoor and outdoor setting. Can be placed in the player’s home and has the following characteristics: 🔷 Comfort: + 100 🔷 Does not require capacity


Price history chart
0 of 45 row(s) selected.

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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
1081$1.26ZenaxTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
388$1.26lepoTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
9487$1.26lepoTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
5628$1.26ZenaxTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
6403$1.26ZenaxTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
14511$1.27pokhypedTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
14408$1.26lepoTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
5109$1.25lepoTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
2893$1.26lepoTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM
4402$1.26lepoTian911812/6/2024, 1:13:38 PM

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