WorldShards/Dark Wood Rocker Chair

Dark Wood Rocker Chair


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A vibrant green upholstered rocking chair made from a dark wood. The sturdy wooden frame and comfortable cushioning make it ideal for relaxation. Its bright color adds a pop of character to any space. Can be placed in the player's home and has the following characteristics: 🔷 Comfort: + 200 🔷 Does not require capacity


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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
3286$1Dope11ToastedWaffle882/16/2025, 7:39:21 PM
4735$1Dope11Lindomar652/16/2025, 7:14:37 PM
230$1.2CarlNFTSchaf2/11/2025, 8:59:52 AM
8412$1.15OverTimesSchaf2/11/2025, 8:59:52 AM
285$1.14huanglisuperman1102/9/2025, 10:23:28 AM
982$1ZHANG52088haihai1232/9/2025, 5:52:21 AM
4833$1ZHANG52088RedDevil0552/9/2025, 4:10:23 AM
3689$1.14sindysoxboxgenesis2/8/2025, 7:30:16 PM
2701$1.14huanglixboxgenesis2/8/2025, 7:30:16 PM
5544$1.14huanglixboxgenesis2/8/2025, 7:30:16 PM

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