WorldShards/Small "Invasion" Tapestry

Small "Invasion" Tapestry


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A small tapestry depicting the warg horde as they start their invasion of Murrlandia. This post-Cat-A-Strophe moment is infamously well known by the Meowkles. It is often told to naughty children by their mothers - supposedly in the hopes that they don't think of becoming adventurers when they're older. Can be placed in the player's home and has the following characteristics: 🔷 Comfort: + 100 🔷 Does not require capacity


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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
1833$1SrDevilslepo12/5/2024, 11:15:51 AM
2745$1GaoGaoGaolepo12/5/2024, 11:15:51 AM
2766$1SrDevilslepo12/5/2024, 11:15:51 AM
11519$1SrDevilslepo12/5/2024, 11:15:51 AM
10127$1SrDevilslepo12/5/2024, 11:15:51 AM
11414$1GuTroxXlepo12/5/2024, 11:15:51 AM
6562$1.25lepoGlitch6912/4/2024, 8:24:19 PM
6879$1qianairuiHeadCracker12/4/2024, 8:16:29 PM
8284$1qianairuiGlitch6912/4/2024, 7:59:48 PM
4202$1Asxtlalepo12/4/2024, 4:21:03 AM

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