WorldShards/Storm Katana

Storm Katana


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This legendary sword has a long, gleaming blade with a hint of orange, reflecting a cold, sharp edge. This blade has absorbed the power of the storms that rage between the islands of Murrlandia, and no armor can resist it. It’s a weapon that embodies both grace and deadly efficiency, perfect for skilled swordsmen. Let loose the tempest that is this blade!


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The 10 most recent sale transactions between users

Issue #Price $FromToDate
31$2888sdaqw123sdsdxuxuxux1/4/2025, 4:25:46 AM
14$2666123long123REGRETjt1/3/2025, 2:48:06 PM
26$2850BROCKCJZYX9991/1/2025, 8:58:48 AM
22$4000Juvixted2HeavenBlue12/21/2024, 6:20:55 AM
42$3050Samyhaslp12312/17/2024, 10:29:11 AM
22$1999JyrmzJuvixted212/9/2024, 6:34:46 AM
1$3000MonkaSergeXIAOZHUJIAO12/1/2024, 4:09:16 PM
50$2200DonaldTrumpxdwojiaogazi11/1/2024, 1:08:50 AM
8$2200MetaverseGeniusTT110/23/2024, 5:52:27 AM
50$1222ruyizhang122DonaldTrumpxd9/1/2024, 1:29:06 PM

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