Solar Time Warden
Time Wardens are Utility Collectibles that focus mostly on crafting, upgrading & Recharging Hourglasses. To use a Time Warden you need to own a SPACE and connect the Time Warden to one of its exits.
Solar Time Warden
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
54439 | $1199 | Hsuyax | themullahminer | 12/8/2024, 7:57:17 PM |
47654 | $1250 | TheGambitSG | MIGUELACHO | 12/8/2024, 6:08:26 PM |
22853 | $1199 | CoB4n | MoonCrusher | 12/8/2024, 1:52:14 PM |
34694 | $1190 | Truebanana | epicdayz | 12/8/2024, 1:09:30 AM |
29569 | $1198 | MisterCracker | epicdayz | 12/8/2024, 1:09:30 AM |
51492 | $1155 | xuyu | epicdayz | 12/8/2024, 1:09:30 AM |
36980 | $1155 | xuyu | epicdayz | 12/8/2024, 1:09:30 AM |
36766 | $1179 | Truebanana | epicdayz | 12/8/2024, 1:09:30 AM |
12488 | $1155 | xuyu | MoonCrusher | 12/7/2024, 8:58:59 PM |
54556 | $1149.99 | Ayla | LAnNe | 12/7/2024, 2:48:16 PM |