Bellguard, Heart of Winter
Forged in the heart of Yuletide fires, Bellguard resonates with the spirit of winter. Each clash rings out with the joyous chimes of a thousand unseen bells, warding off the chill of battle. In its reflection, foes see not their visage, but a glimpse of festive celebrations long past.
Bellguard, Heart of Winter
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
734 | $125 | MeMoLiTV | lowge | 12/8/2024, 4:13:35 PM |
345 | $130 | xiaohu888 | Feng7026 | 12/8/2024, 6:42:19 AM |
133 | $125 | RongRong352 | Park007 | 12/7/2024, 4:27:07 PM |
617 | $118 | AXGG | wjx1111 | 12/6/2024, 6:23:38 AM |
775 | $117 | DD99 | BIGTIME9899 | 12/5/2024, 3:08:19 PM |
409 | $115 | CoKoPReNs | VIdoctor | 12/5/2024, 1:41:59 PM |
780 | $117 | OJBKK004 | m3audi | 12/5/2024, 12:38:32 PM |
792 | $127.99 | SongoK | Wzwz | 12/5/2024, 12:51:30 AM |
57 | $127 | linchong1 | LuckyJoker1122 | 12/4/2024, 3:16:48 PM |
44 | $122.99 | jingtian | qidiandasheng | 12/4/2024, 1:45:02 PM |