Azurewrath Bulwark
Crafted from the sacred wood of ancient seas, the Azurewrath Bulwark resonates with the ebb and flow of tides. The sea-emerald, a symbol of life's renewal, imbues the shield with the power to protect its bearer amidst the waves of chaos.
Azurewrath Bulwark
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
926 | $1.5 | qinhan666 | Bennyboy28 | 1/22/2025, 9:41:22 AM |
1381 | $1 | yidong808 | jojojojo | 1/21/2025, 9:10:14 AM |
638 | $1.68 | pp8533 | Dominus | 1/19/2025, 11:48:05 PM |
739 | $1.66 | FullAuto | dxndaniel | 1/19/2025, 9:12:19 PM |
1402 | $1.99 | DeLiReis | soujeanyt | 1/17/2025, 2:35:36 AM |
638 | $1.99 | als7er | pp8533 | 1/16/2025, 2:34:24 AM |
1665 | $1.9 | WenLambo | Xibuco | 1/16/2025, 12:50:12 AM |
638 | $1 | Lck100 | als7er | 1/15/2025, 5:22:31 AM |
1419 | $1.99 | pepinillo10 | Maper | 1/15/2025, 1:48:34 AM |
1850 | $2 | Sibang | Deniska33311 | 1/10/2025, 11:39:18 PM |