Ember Celadon Sentinel
Its patterns glow like ancient embers, evoking fireside tales and the embrace of twilight. The Sentinel stands as both a protector from shadows and a beacon of hope amidst the gathering dark.
Ember Celadon Sentinel
Price history chart
The 10 most recent sale transactions between users
Issue # | Price $ | From | To | Date |
40 | $5.8 | DaLaoHu520 | dxndaniel | 2/9/2025, 7:20:59 PM |
119 | $5.8 | chenguangxi | greetswithfire | 2/5/2025, 8:47:56 PM |
133 | $5 | Onaroll | marcus44 | 1/22/2025, 2:11:52 AM |
1112 | $6.5 | QingYun669 | ChosenEagle | 1/8/2025, 8:32:49 AM |
1212 | $6.4 | sanck | Essi77 | 1/7/2025, 12:28:02 AM |
64 | $6.3 | Truebanana | txc | 1/7/2025, 12:27:01 AM |
825 | $6 | DuXiaoLin058 | HeeLNBACK | 1/4/2025, 10:49:59 PM |
1120 | $5.85 | Garvell | Reveal | 1/3/2025, 11:23:08 PM |
1325 | $5.85 | QuokTruqrrr | NuanYang0 | 1/2/2025, 8:28:03 PM |
537 | $4.99 | Knorr | bigtimecn | 1/2/2025, 2:43:03 AM |